What have you done today to make you feel proud?

I have enjoyed writing since I was a little girl, especially poetry. I found pleasure from the rhyme and rhythm of the story. I always excelled at English in School and I revelled in the ways in which a story was pulled apart and analysed by my High School teachers in English Literature.

As an adult I read a lot. Reading is an escapism after a busy day at work or a hectic day with the kids. Getting lost in a story always manages to stop the day in its tracks and relieves the mind of the need to think, of stresses, strains and worries … even if it is just for a chapter or two.

I wrote little in my early adulthood but when I had my first child, Emily, I suddenly found myself on my own with my thoughts so much more than before. Looking back now I know I struggled with my mind then. I became overwhelmed easily by the strongest sense of responsibility to keep my perfect little being safe from harm. I was feeling a love so intense and wonderful that I hadn’t felt before and combined together these feelings were tremulous, a feeling many first-time moms can relate to.

I ignored all the advice to pop my baby down so that she would learn to fall to sleep unaided and so I spent an inordinate amount of time with my baby girl in my arms or watching over her in her cot at night. It was in these quiet hours that my imagination was reignited and I began to form a story in my mind of my little girl – older, inquisitive and adventurous. And so was born The Magic of Jack. Little did I know it would be my first published children’s book!

I kept that story to myself for a very long time, thinking about it and adding to it from time to time. I wondered if others would enjoy my story but struggled to find the confidence to do anything with it – it was special to me because it was written by me about my little girl, but would others find the same happiness in reading it?

Having done some some research online I decided to submit The Magic of Jack to Austin Macauley Publishers to see what their thoughts were on it. To my delight they agreed to publish it and commented on the warmth of my writing. My confidence in my ability rocketed and I was excited to begin the journey of bringing my story to life.

I rarely mentioned my book to anyone because trials and tribulations arose due to the recent pandemic and so by the time publication day came around, 28 February 2022, people were surprised about what I had achieved. I was overwhelmed by people’s genuine interest, positive comments and congratulations. The Magic of Jack would always be special to me for obvious reasons but to know that people have shared and enjoyed it with their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters and friends made me feel exultant. And the only feeling that could possibly top that was the feeling I experienced when my children told me that they were proud of me. They were proud of me!

So, the message: always have confidence in your own abilities, always be brave enough to take the next step, even if it does leave you open (to what one would hope to be, constructive) criticism and always follow your dreams.

What could you do today that you never imagined you would do? Or what would you like to do that your confidence just holds you back from doing? Give it a go, take a step closer to it! Because it could be one of the most fulfilling things you will do in your lifetime. Let me know how it turns out …

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