Five Star Review

It’s been almost two weeks since The Magic of Jack was published and the response from people has been overwhelming. It’s quite nerve wracking waiting for people to receive their copies of your book and to anticipate their responses. You hope that people will read it and feel the same way you do about it and at the same time dread the prospect that people might not take the same enjoyment from it, worse still that people may actually dislike it. Having shared news of my book as far and wide as possible I am delighted to hear only positive things. People have largely enjoyed sharing The Magic of Jack with the special children in their lives. I am extremely grateful to hear these wonderful comments but I am even more grateful to receive an official online review from one of my readers. This very thing happened to me this weekend – my first five star review online! When someone takes the time out of their day to leave a review, you know your story has been fully appreciated as you intended it to. Please continue to let others know of The Magic of Jack and please do let me know what you think of it by leaving a review on Amazon, Austin Macauley Publishers website or Goodreads. Thank you.

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